Meal Ideas Post/A Typical What I like to eat on a Sunday

Hello and welcome! So each week I like to write a Meal Ideas blogpost, about the meals I like to eat as I am very much a homely girl and love the old favourites and just keep it simple.

For me I don’t see that comfort food is an issue and you should enjoy what you eat, not just have it because its on your plate.

So Here is a video I put together of the food I like to eat on a Typical day and this was on Sunday when I will often have Sunday Roast if one is being cooked, with some other bits and bobs.

I had a week where I didn’t spend that much again on food and got bits and bobs. If there is food in the cupboards then I will use those items to eat first and I do know how to cook a Roast dinner myself, and looking forward to cooking one again, once I move.

I love a biscuit, a packet of crisps and some chocolate. Since not having a lunch all the time I have managed to lose weight and do feel good for it, and I think it is because I don’t put pressure on myself now when it comes to food.

There is no guilt anymore and I am so comfortable with what I eat and the having the meals I love is what I do now. I love a slice of toast in the evening if I have an early lunch/dinner as I won’t have another meal, and often will have a midnight snack and it helps me stop being hungry during the night and means I can spend extra time in bed if i want.

I do have a couple of Grocery hauls to share in the next one with more food I eat and will be doing these sorts of videos and posts on a regular basis.

My food shopping budget at the moment as it is mainly just me I buy for, but have snacks should I be with my son is £20 a week, and I am so looking forward again to having family meals again. Yes that is drawing closer as we speak once I have my own place again and a family meal is what helps my son make sure he eats his dinner or sometimes a lunch, but often he won’t always be hungry enough, but make sure he has substantial food, that can keep him going if he wants a bigger dinner if not a proper lunch.

With kids I have learned that often you just have to be flexible and go with them on what they want and allowing them to choose is helpful so no wasted food is a habit but eat with smiley faces.

So many thanks for watching and see you in the next one.

Carrie L.M X

P.S: You can see all my blogs and videos on my network site:

Published by Carries Blog Network

Life Coach, Blog Writer, Author, Content Creator and a Mother. My aim is to help people with parenting, building success, health and wellbeing and creating a network and community through my blogs, books and video content.

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