Shopping Ideas/Keep with a Shopping Budget

Hello and welcome to another Weekly Shopping Ideas blog post and this week, it is about Keep with a Shopping Budget.

So I had a no spend week this week again and I am really enjoying having these weeks where I save my pennies and it can be done with no fuss at all, and if you have kids then give them a budget and let then choose items they love to have in their shopping budget. I wrote a blog on my theparentingadventures site about Teaching kids about money and budgeting

I do have budgets for each thing I love like Groceries, Toiletries, Cleaning and fashion.

I am now separating my finances in Quarterly Budgets and it seems for me to be the new way for me. I do still have a weekly budget on food, but things like fashion I do separate through out the year as I will have a splurge on clothes and then stop.

When buying clothes I go for items that will last me several winters and can be worn still in the warmer months.

Check Shein out as I was newby to this store and have already a basket ready to order items for the summer and is one to check out.

I have more or less got items for this season and items that can still be worn in Spring and Summer, and preplanning your yearly purchases is another method I use for shopping for clothes and stationary, because there are certain times of the year where it is worth waiting on things like stationary as sales will begin as we get nearer to Autumn, as stationary stores will bring out sales as they return to a new year of school.

With stationary I find doing a one yearly shop can be worth it like Printer Paper, pens and pencils and bulk, so you are never be without these items if you work from home and also Ink Cartridges.

Specific summer clothes I do buy sometimes in the summer, but I also find shopping for these items in Autumn when they have a summer clearance to be a great way to pre-plan summer fashion and things like Tank tops, Vest tops and T-shirts are great items that will never go out of fashion, but if you buy out of season it can save you pennies when buying in season.

This is the same for sunglasses, summer hats and staple items like sleeveless shirts are great because they can still be worn in the colder months too, just invest in good cardigans and one item I love is Blazers and Denim Jackets.

The other thing is stick with a coffee shop budget as these can mount up and I have no bought a coffee shop coffee for ages and you will be surprised how a difference it can make to your pennies.

So see where you can save and remain in budget of.

Many thanks for reading,

Carrie L.M X

P.S: All my blog posts and videos I create each week can be found on my site:

Published by Carries Blog Network

Life Coach, Blog Writer, Author, Content Creator and a Mother. My aim is to help people with parenting, building success, health and wellbeing and creating a network and community through my blogs, books and video content.

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